School Tours

School trips and outings are an integral part of school life. They enhance classroom learning and add to the personal and social development of our students. Field trips contribute to the student’s academic achievement while other tours deepen the student’s knowledge and understanding of the cultural, social, and physical aspects of the areas or countries visited. Some of the prominent events include:

5th Year School Tour

Recent places visited include Paris, Munich, Barcelona and Amsterdam

TY Language Exchanges

TY gets an opportunity to visit another school and experience the culture in France or Germany and host a student when the French or German students make the return visits.

Career Guidance Trips

Senior students get an opportunity to attend college Open Days in Dublin, Limerick, Cork, Maynooth, Carlow and Waterford

Coursework trips

Students complete work as part of their coursework such as Leaving Certificate Biology and Geography field trips, Art Museum visits, English and Irish theatre trips, and Junior Cycle Religion Mosque/Synagogue visits.

School Spirit Trips

Year groups get an opportunity to attend trips organised by their Year Heads such as the recent trips to Dublin Zoo, Kennedy Park, Courtown Adventure Centre, and Dunmore East Adventure Centre.

Transition Year Trips

The Transition Year has its own suite of trips for education outside the classroom including trips to Glendalough, the Greenway, Carlingford Adventure Centre, and the Comeragh mountains.

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