Social Justice

At St. Mary’s Secondary School, we have a proud tradition of involvement in social justice initiatives and advocating for the protection of human dignity and the promotion of human rights. By their participation students develop their knowledge of social issues, use their voice to advocate for others, and organise activities to raise awareness or fundraise for chosen projects. Below are some of the key initiatives in which students become involved.


Here in St. Mary’s, we are a Fairtrade School. Fairtrade ensures that producers have adequate workers’ rights, safer working conditions, and fair pay for their work. Each year we promote sustainable and ethical production during Fairtrade Fortnight. Students take part in a range of workshops, activities, and events to highlight the importance of sustainable and ethical trading.

Team Hope Shoebox Appeal

Each year we take part in the Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal. It’s an annual campaign that delivers gifts straight into the hands of children affected by poverty. Often these shoeboxes are the only gifts that a child will receive at Christmas. Each year we collect around 100 boxes thanks to the generosity of our school community.

People are People

People are People is a Social Justice group with the aim of raising awareness around the issues of cultural diversity and the celebration of differences amongst the school community. Students promote responses to issues around cultural understanding, integration, and acceptance of people. The People are People initiative wants to create an awareness of kindness and respect amongst everyone in our school community and beyond. It does not matter the colour of your skin, your gender, what race you are, your sexuality, or where you live.

Through this group, we are acknowledging and appreciating that there are differences around us. In fact, each one of us has our own differences, and that’s okay! We want to embrace those differences and celebrate them rather than judge them. We want to embrace diversity in St. Mary’s and learn from each other. We want to educate ourselves on those differences so we can learn to respect every single person around us for who they are, not what they look like or don’t look like. We are surrounded by such a range of bright, imaginative people.

Young St. Vincent de Paul

YSVP focuses on reaching out to others within our school and local community. Students from 1st – 6th year are invited to be part of the committee and school conference. YSVP organises Christmas hampers to donate to the local SVP conference. The group also engages in random acts of kindness such as the placing of a positive post-it and a chocolate sweet on the desks of those in 3rd & 6th who were sitting the Mocks.

John Paul II Awards

The opportunity to participate in the John Paul II Awards is offered to our TY students. It is voluntary and students work in their local parish and in the school on faith development & participation. On completion, students received an award (Gold/Silver/Bronze) from the Bishop of Ferns.

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