Student Welfare

The welfare of our students is always a top priority, and we are committed to this priority through our ethos, teachers, tutors, year heads, resources and student leaders.


  • Inspired by the vision of Catherine McCauley, (founder of the Sisters of Mercy) Mercy education is committed to holistic development and to the achievement of the full potential of each student
  • The central purpose of the School Community is the religious, moral, intellectual, physical and social education of the student
  • The school community seeks to create an atmosphere of Christian care and concern in which each student can grow to maturity
  • It is our goal to create a school where we care for each other and where all can be confident that each individual feels safe and valued

St. Mary’s provides an excellent Pastoral Care service and a healthy and safe environment.

Classroom Teachers

The classroom teacher is the first and most frequent contact person for each student and is often the best-placed person to have a sense of a student’s well-being. Not only do they instruct pupils in the course content of a particular subject but they work to ensure that each pupil is enabled to derive the maximum benefit from the class, develop a good pattern of study and homework and reach the highest standard of attainment that each girl is capable of achieving.

Class Tutor

Each class has a tutor – a designated teacher who takes a special interest in the appointed class. He/she aims to create a well-motivated, happy class group, where each member is cherished and where standards of work, conduct and responsibility are striving towards excellence. As well as monitoring attendance and behaviour, the class tutor also takes a pastoral interest in each girl and as far as possible tries to be aware of the general welfare and progress of each student in the class.

Each girl’s class tutor is a source of immediate support especially so for 1st year students as they make the transition from primary to secondary school. In the relationship of trust and respect that develops between the class tutor and the class, there is an opportunity for individual or general concerns and difficulties to be discussed and dealt with. Class tutors will also consult as necessary with each subject teacher to alleviate any source of difficulty.

Year Head

The classes that belong to a particular year group are under the care of a Year Head who has the vital function of leading, coordinating and inspiring the students of the designated year group. Year heads also monitor student progress and behaviour in their year group as well as the general welfare of each individual.


Sixth Year students are elected as Prefects and their duties include the welfare of other students with each prefect taking a special interest in a particular class.

Meitheal Leaders

Meitheal is a peer-support programme run by our 6th Years to help our 1st Years. The Meitheal leaders are 6th Year students selected through interviews with the Wexford Meitheal Alliance at the end of the 5th Year. During their summer holidays, those selected spend a week, along with leaders from other Wexford schools, training to deal with situations that might arise at school.

When school starts, the Meitheal role is to look after the incoming 1st Year students by fostering friendships with and among the 1st Years as well as providing other valuable support.

The programme aims to tackle difficulties at an early stage, to build self-confidence and a sense of responsibility for others. Meitheal aims to make school a better place in which to learn.

The leaders are supported in their work by weekly meetings facilitated by a staff coordinator.

Learning Support / Resource Teaching

The school has a Learning Support teacher and a Resource teacher. Students with special educational needs are welcome. Mercy education is committed to holistic development and to the achievement of the full potential of each student. All teachers aim to prepare students through academic and practical training for adult living and to promote in them a cooperative spirit so that they can make a constructive contribution to society.

Home School Liaison

The home and school are the primary and secondary educators of students. As such it is vital that communication between home and school are of a high standard. As part of the Home School Liaison programme, the school will continue to monitor absenteeism and ring/contact home re. unreported absences or students’ well-being. Formal meetings between parents/guardians and teachers take place on an annual basis.

These meetings give parents/guardians and teachers an opportunity to review each girl’s overall progress in school. Subject teachers will also be only too pleased to meet parents/guardians on an appointment basis throughout the year should the need arise.


In cooperation with the Principal and R.E. teachers our Chaplain – Mons. Joe McGrath organises and develops pastoral contact with the students.

Guidance Counsellors

The school Counsellors are responsible for the planning and implementation of the school guidance programme. They provide support to pupils in connection with their educational, social and personal development and adjustment. During an interview, counsellors create a confidential atmosphere, in which the student can have the confidence to seek advice. What is told to the counsellor is confidential except when what is heard is thought to be of harm to the student or any other person.

The students may request the counselling themselves or may be referred by parents and/or teachers.

As well as personal interviews Counsellors also take formal classes with students to give career information. In the process the Counsellors guide pupils to make their own career choices based on self-understanding and self-knowledge.

Principal & Deputy Principal

The Principal and Deputy Principal operate an open-door policy for all students.

The Breakfast Club

Our canteen provides two services for students. The Breakfast Club opens daily from 8.00 – 8.45 am. and provides cereal, tea and toast free of charge to any student who arrives at school extra early in the morning. This service is specially designed for girls who have to leave home very early to catch a bus or a lift. Hot and cold lunches are available daily at a reasonable charge.


Lockers are available to every student for the safekeeping of books and personal property.

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